Safety inspections are an important part of maintaining workplace safety. That doesn’t mean that they aren’t sometimes stressful experiences. It’s important to pass inspections when they happen. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to improve your chances of passing.
Keep Records
Even if you’ve done everything in your power to make your business a safe place to work, accidents still happen from time to time. OSHA generally requires businesses that have more than 10 employees to maintain records of all work-related illnesses and injuries. It’s called the OSHA Log of Injuries and Illnesses, or OSHA Form 300. It’s important to fill out OSHA Form 300 as accurately as possible and to keep these documents in a safe, secure location. That way, if you’re asked to produce them it will be easy. If you aren’t asked to show them, however, there is no need to provide them.
Follow Safety Standards
Aside from keeping records, OSHA has set safety standards that businesses are expected to abide by. Standards include things like requiring businesses to provide proper PPE for employees and regulations covering exits, walkways, and hazardous materials. Pipes should be properly color labeled to make it easier to identify the purpose each one serves. The specifics of what your business is required to do will depend on your industry. Make sure you’re familiar with the relevant standards so you can follow them properly.
Keep Up On Safety Training
Employees need to have the right tools and training if they are going to be able to observe safety protocols at work. They should receive safety training when they get hired and then have refresher safety training courses regularly. This helps keep the information fresh and more towards the front of your employees’ minds. After the training, make sure you consistently enforce safety policies at every level of your business. If supervisors or managers are seen to get away with not following safety policies and procedures, the rest of your employees won’t take them seriously. The consistency will lend greater weight to the importance of the principles and information taught in the safety training.
Passing safety inspections is important. It’s a good indicator that your business and those working for you are doing what is necessary to maintain a safe work environment. Make sure you keep accurate records, follow safety standards, and keep up on training your employees so you can protect both your business and those working for you.
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