Your business depends on your IT infrastructure for its daily operation, so why take shortcuts with it? Obviously, many companies give IT too little priority as evidenced by news headlines that detail network breaches and data hacks. Other IT accidents can result in the compromise of proprietary trade data or simply the inability of your firm to do business.
However, by instituting a few good IT practices, you can prevent many IT disasters from happening within your business. You may not be able to avoid every IT accident, but these tips will help.
Control Access
Make sure you restrict access to all the servers and computers used in daily operations. To begin, require users to have a strong password to gain access to any of your computers, servers, and other IT resources.
After that, make sure you have implemented the application control features of all your apps. These security settings may involve user-level and group access permissions that can control who can open an app as well as what tasks users can perform. According to Ivanti, using application control helps to manage administrative rights of non-IT users by limiting logon rights to servers to perform specific tasks.
Access control can also boost efficiency. For example, you can install remote management software on your network so your IT managers can remotely resolve problems after hours without having to visit the office.
Staying Up To Date on Cyber Threats
Almost every day, new threats are uncovered prompting the industry to respond with hardware and software countermeasures. With so much going on, you need to stay informed. Of course, you probably don’t have the time or interest to follow every development, but you should regularly visit cybersecurity education resources to stay abreast of the current headlines and trends.
Another way to stay updated on cyber threats is to make sure your network is equipped and updated with intrusion detection devices as well as antivirus and anti-malware applications.
Keeping Your Data and Information Protected
System backups give you an easy way to protect your business from IT accidents. For many businesses, systems damaged by fire, theft, or vandalism are irreplaceable. Be proactive and make sure all your important business data is backed up and stored in a safe and secure location.
Despite all the precautions you take, your business may still suffer from an IT accident. For this reason, you should always make sure you have IT insurance coverage for your business. This will help you recover if, despite your best effort, the worst happens. Cyber liability insurance can help protect you and your assets in emergency situations.
Your company’s technology and online information is extremely important and should be well-protected. Accidents and damage can happen, but if you’re prepared and have a plan, you can prevent most IT emergencies your business might have.
If you or someone is considering extra coverage for Cyber risks, it is a very affordable policy addition or can be used as a separate policy, reach out to us by filling out the form below.