If you're in an industry that produces hazardous chemicals or wastes, it is crucial to know which containers are appropriate to use and when. Using the safest practices will not only keep your facility and employees safe, but it will also keep you from violating environmental regulations. The list below provides an overview of the different kinds of storage containers and their compatibilities with various chemicals or wastes.
Chemical Compatibility
Acids & Bases: Do not store in metal containers.
Hydrofluoric Acid Waste: Do not store in glass.
Gasoline and Other Solvents: Do not store in lightweight polyethylene (e.g. milk jugs). Also, do not transport these products in such materials.
A Bit About Frac Tanks
With the fracking boom heard around the world, you should understand the use of frac tanks. Frac tanks have up to a 21,000 gallon storage capacity used for the on-site storage of water or other forms of liquids. These store not only frac water but gasoline, oils, glycol, and even human waste.
Sizing Your Container
It's key that your containers are properly sized. Small quantities can go in smaller containers, but it is never cost effective to dispose of a small amount of chemical in a considerably large container. However, cost-effectiveness isn't always the most important thing when dealing with hazardous chemicals. Add a second container on certain wastes that might be prone to spilling, leaking, or other issues in their initial container. For incompatible chemicals such as acids and bases, double the containers and prevent mixing if both are disposed of together. Trays can also be used to segregate chemical types.
Caps Used for Chemical Compatibility
The caps and closures used on waste containers need to be leak-proof. They should also be screw-on and the containers shouldn't leak or tip over. Do not use beakers, corks, parafilm, or plastic wrap for storage purposes.
Additional Rules
Always label containers that have waste material inside. If you transfer waste to a more secure container, be sure to label the new container as well. Never open these containers except to add additional waste of the same source. Then, before the containers are collected as scheduled, make sure to wipe them down.
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