When your utility bills keep going up, you do not have to resign yourself to the high prices. You can take action to lower your utility bills and your carbon footprint. Use these five tips for saving money on utilities.
Request a Smart Meter
Many utility companies offer a smart meter. These meters allow homeowners to monitor energy usage through a website or an app. This allows you to take action and change the way you use appliances, such as running your dishwasher overnight or making use of a programmable thermostat to reduce electricity consumption. The utility company may install the meter at no cost to you.
Add Insulation
Older homes that have not had a recent renovation often lack adequate insulation. Having enough insulation helps to reduce unwanted air exchange with the outdoors. It helps to keep conditioned air inside in the summer and heated air inside of the home in the winter. The U.S. Department of Energy makes recommendations for the amount of insulation based on a home's building materials, age and location.
Replace Old Fixtures
Old fixtures often waste a lot of energy. An old, leaky shower head could waste several gallons of water in a couple of hours. Replace those old fixtures and reduce utility use. Replacing old windows and inefficient refrigerators, freezers, dishwashers and other appliances will also help to lower your utility bills. Look for appliances that have the Energy Star rating. These appliances have been analyzed to be more energy efficient and cost less per year to operate.
Make Roofing Repairs
Your home's roof makes up a significant amount of its external surface area. Roofing repairs or replacing the roofing system could make a big impact on your utility bills. According to Roofco Online, a poorly insulated roof or a roof with inadequate ventilation could drive up heating and cooling costs. A new, energy-efficient roof with a reflective coating and radiant barrier could be a great investment for your home.
Seal Air Leaks
Little gaps and cracks around windows and door frames could lead to big electricity, heating and cooling bills. Caulk can be used to fill gaps around window frames. Sprayed foam insulation could also be helpful. Weather-stripping around door frames is inexpensive and easy to install.
Saving money on utilities can do a lot to give you some much-needed wiggle room in your monthly budget. Further protect your largest investment with a home insurance quote from Alliance today!