Car Insurance is a vital component to owning a vehicle. Without the proper coverage, you run the risk of dishing out a lot of money should you be involved in an accident. The costs of a car accident can exceed several thousands of dollars, even when the damage is only cosmetic. In order to protect yourself, you want to be sure your coverage has everything you need. While most states have minimum liability requirements, you get enhanced coverage when you choose more than the basic auto insurance coverage.
The following are three typical add-ons you can include in your car insurance policy to get more bang for your buck:
Roadside Assistance
It does not matter how old or new your vehicle is, you may experience a system failure that puts you on the side of the road. Often, these breakdowns occur when you least expect them. From a broken piece of equipment to running out of gas to a flat tire, you will likely need help getting back on the road. Fortunately, roadside assistance is readily available from your auto insurance company. The following benefits may be included in your coverage:
- Flat tire change
- Towing
- Emergency fuel
- Locksmith services
- Battery jump
With roadside assistance, a problem with your car won’t leave you on the road stranded. You can easily call your insurance company to utilize the services and get back home safely.
Uninsured Motorist Coverage
While you may have adequate insurance if your vehicle is damaged, you cannot predict what coverage the other driver will have—or won’t have. When you are involved in an accident with another driver who is at fault, you rely on their insurance policy to cover the cost of damages. If they do not have insurance, you could find yourself responsible for the damage. In order to cover yourself from this potential financial risk, purchase uninsured motorist coverage. This coverage can help if you are in a collision with an uninsured motorist.
Gap Coverage
Gap insurance can be a huge benefit after totaling your car. Gap coverage provides you with additional insurance when your car insurance coverage does not completely pay the balance of the loan for your totaled car. It covers the difference between the loan amount for your car and the amount of the check the insurance company provided you. This is great for any motorist who is still paying off their car.
Does your policy have enough protection? Call Alliance Insurance Group at (888) 279-9701 for more information on Denver auto insurance.