We DO NOT handle claims directly
We are an Independent Insurance BROKER in Colorado. Not an insurance carrier.
Looking for Alliance Auto from California?
Claims: 1-800-508-5833
If you're a California or North Carolina resident who is looking for "Alliance Auto" or seeking to open a claim, you may be looking for one of these insurance carriers instead. Agents and brokers act as the middlemen for these carriers, but we do not process claims as an agent.
If you're here for quotes or you're shopping around, you're in the right place. We are a premier commercial and personal insurance broker. Just use our services tab at the top to find the specific solution you are looking for or fill out the short quote form below.
Check if these logos look familiar on your billing statements
If your policy number starts with MIL or MNS (these are not us), one of these companies is a good place to start.
Alliance United Auto - California Residents

9121 Oakdale Ave. Suite 201
Chatsworth, CA 91311
or 5300 Adolfo Rd, Camarillo, CA 93012
Office: 1-866-530-5500
Claims: 1-800-508-5833
Alliance Insurance Group of North Carolina (Not affiliated)

Forest City, NC Office
Alliance Insurance Group of Oregon (Not affiliated)

941 Oak St. Eugene, OR 97401
(541) 687-4799
Allianz Global - Life Insurance or Travel Insurance

(800) 950-5872 (Minnesota Life office)
If you're pretty sure you're a customer of ours or if you have one of the major carriers like Safeco/Travelers/Progressive/Pinnacol, please call them to discuss claims. If you still are having trouble call your account manager directly for help.
Incident or Loss
Please report the claim immediately by calling us or your carrier to get the process started. After you have reported the claim to an office, we will follow up with the carrier to obtain a claim number and adjuster’s information as well as act as your liaison throughout the claims process.
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